VeriGuard 4 Sterile Polyester Cellulose IMS Cleanroom Wipes
Product: VERIGUARD 4
Product Code: VG4-71104-S
Description: Clean Room Compatible Wipers Presaturated with IMS/DI
Material Composition: Polyester Cellulose Blend
Weight: 68gsm Binder Free
Fluid: IMS 70% (MSDS available)
De-Ionised Water 30%
Filtered to 0.2 Micron
Packaging: 100 C Fold Wipes in a double bagged re-sealable pouch 23 x 23cm
8 Pouches per carton
Irradiation: Can be Gamma Irradiated with not less than 25kGy
(Certificate of irradiation available)